Saturday, November 20, 2021

Pre Cruise COVID-19 Test

Royal Caribbean Cruise

Taking COVID-19 tests before sailing. Consider intervening holidays.

Scheduled tests as early as possible with an additional provider for redundancy. PCR tests are normally free but take time. Antigen tests are quick but not easily available & be costly. You can order Telemedicine kits to test at home with a supervisor on video that are cheaper than a lab but order more for redundancy.

For unvaccinated kids, schedule up to 3 days before. One more complimentary test done before boarding.

For vaccinated adults, schedule up to 2 days before.

If one day earlier & still haven't received the test result (owing to holidays), for unvaccinated kids, administer the telemedicine test one day earlier. For adults, administer the telemedicine kit on the day of sailing.

If no results & no kit, schedule an antigen test outside the terminal for vaccinated folks with DocGo RRT. Unvaccinated kids need a test at least a day before.

Kits are not returnable even if unopened. Consider using a Return Protection card that can provide this benefit if you end up not using the kit.

If unable to travel if testing positive, refund provided.

Contact Royal Caribbean